Reliable Services From Our Organization

Food Cupboard
St. Peter’s United Methodist Church
501 East 8th Street (alley entrance)
(609) 398-3191
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Residents in need receive a generous emergency supply of food once every 30 days. Non-perishable food is provided in pre-packed bags that are filled according to family size. A one-time emergency need is given, or a referral for food every 30 days can be obtained from the OC Social Services office located at 821 Central Avenue, Ocean City, NJ.
People may drop off their non-perishable food, that is not expired, inside the back doors, alley entrance of the church, in the designated drop box during normal business hours only.
Food: cereal (small boxes) snack size applesauce, fruit cups, jello, pudding, canned tuna & chicken, microwavable rice, mashed potatoes, prepared meals.
Paper Products: tissues, paper towels, toilet paper
Personal Care: shampoo, body soap, deodorant toothpaste and toothbrushes
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
555 West Ave
Ocean City, NJ 08226
(609) 398-1009
The mission of the Clothes Closet is to give free, clean, and gently used or new seasonal clothing to men, women, and children living in Ocean City.
Residents of Ocean City who have a need and can provide proof of residency are welcome to visit the Clothes closet. The clothing we have for distribution is clean and gently used. Articles of clothing are changed for each season.
Donations of lightly used, clean clothing appropriate for the season are gratefully accepted. People may bring their donations to the Clothes Closet during open business hours. Please do not leave donations outside of the building where they will be damaged by the weather.

The Outreach program provides qualified residents and families of Ocean City with a holiday gift food certificate to a local supermarket during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. Low-income seniors receive food certificates four times per year. Applications are available at the Social Services Office, 821 Central Avenue, Ocean City, NJ.